Have you ever seen someone so miserable? Someone so sad that he has even considered committing suicide? If not, you should get to know me. This is what happened to me.

- What happened? You must ask yourself. It's simple: I was really fat before, I weighed 132 kg, but managed to lose 50 kg.

We'll come back to that later though…

I had never had many friends in my life. When I was little, the other children used to make fun of me for being fat: "fatty", "whale". And worse things than that. If they ever invited me, it was because they wanted me to intimidate someone. The others were intimidated by my rolls.

My parents told me that I would lose weight as I grew older and that everything would be fine. But, as time went on, I just got bigger and fatter. At 16, I weighed 112 kg and wore XXL clothing. Obviously, I also developed health problems. I had a hard time walking, lying down and breathing. Basically, everything became a problem.

Some of my clothes had to be ordered just for me so they could fit me. My thoughts became darker and darker.

However, one place where I could relax and talk to my friends was when I was playing Xbox. It was easier for me when people didn't see me and knew absolutely nothing about me.

In April 2016, I weighed 132 kg. My bum protruded almost 2 metres, while my chest was the envy of any woman. At that point, I had to wear XXXL clothes. And by then, I had already tried almost everything a person could try. I also found out that not everything I had read on various health websites was true.

Many mistakenly believe that if they stop eating completely, they will lose weight immediately. I thought so too, but I was wrong! Starving is not the best way to lose weight. Sooner or later, you will surrender, eat even more food then before, and put on more weight! And that without addressing the harmful health effects that hunger causes in your body.

Another myth that many people blindly believe is: if you exercise, you will lose pounds easily. No, no, and no! It all depends on the physiology of the person. Some people could spend months dieting, constantly training in the gym, and lose just a couple of pounds. Others, on the other hand, can eat all kinds of food and laze around and still be as thin as broomsticks.

After accepting myself as I am, I decided to look for a distraction. This is how I developed my passion for cooking. I liked the idea that I could not only eat but also create food. I got so deeply into my hobby that, before I knew it, it had become my passion, life and profession.

After receiving a diploma in cooking and baking, I was hired at a European restaurant. Once I became successful in my work, I began to enjoy my own existence. For the first time in my life, I felt that I was needed , that people really needed me. I brought joy to other people.

After getting my work sorted, I tried not to think too much about the fact that, at 32, I had never had a girlfriend. While playing games, I bravely communicated with the opposite sex. We found good talking topics with ease. They liked my voice. But I only liked one girl. And, of course, I didn't dare to meet her in person.

Also, in the meantime, there was a situation at work that shook my world. Apparently, I went back to the past. My nightmare came back to me again. I realized that as much as I ran away from my problems, I couldn't escape the issue of my obesity. I would never have a real relationship, and I would never be anything but someone who is fat.

My thoughts were interrupted by the message the girl from the game had written to me. I decided that this would be the day that I would change my life.

That's right, guys. This is the story of how love helps people overcome the most horrible events in their lives.

When Erica and I met, I was surprised that she seemed to be completely comfortable with my appearance: we were talking all night. I have never talked as much in my life as I did then. I shared my insecurities and my fears with her. What surprised me the most was that she didn't run away from me but rather offered me help instead.

And Erica kept her word.

The next morning, I was awakened by someone knocking on the door. Erica entered the house and went to the kitchen. She took out a small package of medicine: "Take a Latte, and in 30 minutes, we'll eat." She opened the fridge to look for food.

At first, I thought she was going to give me antidepressants, but after a long conversation, I realized that Black Latte is made with natural ingredients, which highly accelerate metabolism.

But it turned out that the promises were not enough and, that same night, Erica took all of her things and put them in my closet.

I was irritated by her persistence and decision to take out the man who I was on the inside. Every morning started with Black Latte and a hearty breakfast. All of my nights ended with Black Latte and a light snack (such as cottage cheese or toast and fish).

After three days of taking Black Latte , I began to notice that it was easier for me to move. I started to want to move more. And when the end of that week came, I discovered, to my amazement, that my pants were too big for me.

After measuring my body, I was delighted to find that I had lost 2 cm at the hip, 3 cm at the waist and 50 mm at the neck . And I had dropped 9.7 kg! ALMOST 10 kg in a WEEK!

I felt like I had moved a mountain! And Erica had helped me a lot in this.

After accomplishing what was a feat for me, losing 9.7 kg, I couldn't stop. I needed more.

After my second week taking Black Latte Erica took me to buy new clothes for me. I didn't think buying new clothes would evoke such great emotions for me. Especially since I was buying clothes that were one size smaller than usual.

By the end of the second week, I had lost another 7.3 kg. The girls started paying attention to me! Erica even started to get jealous when she noticed it. I was losing weight day by day. I bought new clothes as fast as I could. That's how fast my weight loss was.

The product Black Latte was not a heavy out-of-pocket expense. Also, one bottle of drops was enough for me to lose 21 kg.

However, the results of my weight loss ended up being mind-boggling! In total, I lost 57 kg in 3 months . During that period, I dropped four sizes of clothing, from XXXL to size M.

When I started to lose more and more weight, I wanted to be more active, and I started playing sports. Running in the morning not only helped me avoid running out of breath, but it also tightened my skin and strengthened my core.

I ate what I wanted apart from pizza with only vegetable fat. Thanks to Black Latte and my girlfriend (yes, I'm talking about Erica), I realised that nothing is impossible in life! The main thing is not to stay sitting and depressed, victimising yourself.

For all of you who are reading this, I would like to tell you that you should not wait until later to start losing weight because you may realize that in a year you have gained another ten kilos, and by then, it's too late to do something about it. Also, thanks to Black Latte losing weight has become so easy that even the laziest person could take advantage of it.

The real Black Latte can be ordered only on the website from the OFFICIAL distributor. You can find a link here

  • Verónica
    Several months ago, my friend invited me to her wedding. I hadn't seen her in 6 weeks because she was busy preparing for the ceremony. When I entered the event, I was very surprised by how much she had changed! In just a month and a half, she had lost 20 kg taking Black Latte !
  • Suzanne
    An incredible effort! Well done for not leaving Erica and keeping your word. I have no problems with excess weight, but I will order Black Latte for my mother. She has tried many diets, and nothing has worked for her. Thank you!
  • Ana
    I am truly happy when people find themselves helping each other overcome difficult challenges. Don't let Erica leave your side!
  • Nico
    Thanks a million for this article! It has once again rekindled my hope of becoming a healthy person. I already ordered Black Latte . I can't wait for the package to arrive. I want to start a new life.
  • Mónica
    Yes! You must take care of yourself. A slender body is not just something that catches the eye of the opposite sex. Yes, of course, you look better, but the way you feel inside changes completely. You become more confident, and your insecurities are minimised, not to mention the health issues. Before, I couldn't get to a third floor without being out of breath, but now I can easily run to the fifth floor. Take care, girls! If you don't take care of yourselves, no one will.
  • Vanesa
    Before, I was completely happy with my weight (I had never been thin). And I liked my rolls. But then, when I had a boyfriend, he hinted that it would be fine if I lost a couple of pounds. I was putting it aside for a long time, but then I made up my mind and ordered Black Latte . What I can say is that now I am slimmer and fitter. I liked myself much more. Don't be afraid to change, girls, especially if it's for the best.
  • Charles
    I am enormously grateful to Black Latte . Since I started taking it, I feel like a normal and complete person again. You know how these things go. I was slim and handsome. I got married and, thanks to the good life, I started to accumulate some fat. I began to wonder what I could do to get rid of being overweight as my five-year-old son, who likes to run, easily runs past me, without even giving him an advantage. I could play with him for about 15 minutes only. What kind of example was I giving him? I made up my mind and ordered Black Latte, and now I feel like I'm 20 years old again.
  • Andrea
    I think I'm going to give my opinion too :) After giving birth, I gained a lot of weight. Even more than when I was pregnant. I couldn't stand the idea of going on a diet. I was breastfeeding my child, so I had no choice. I had to deal with it. I was planning to wait until the day when I didn't have to breastfeed my baby anymore. But I didn't have to do this. My friend (who has 3 children of her own) advised me to take the remedy Black Latte . Of course, I didn't jump to order it right away. I consulted with my doctor, who said that there would be no negative effect if a breastfeeding mother took this remedy. He said it was ok. And now, 2 months later, I have returned to my original weight (what I weighed before pregnancy, that is, I lost 31.5 kg)
  • Rose
    For me, Black Latte was my lifesaver. I suffered from excess weight since childhood, along with a number of insecurities. I visited a psychologist to learn to accept myself as I was. I went to the gym, dieted, tried knitting and even took sleeping pills. But Black Latte has been the only thing that has helped me...